giovedì 26 novembre 2015



Following a biological logic, Sigmund Freud established a rigid model for the "normal" sexual development of the human subject, what he terms the "libido development. It consists in the passage throught various stages and also acknowledged that development varied between individuals. Stages can even overlap or be experienced simultaneously.
0-2 years of age. Early in your development, all of your desires were oriented towards your lips and your mouth, which accepted food, milk, and anything else you could get your hands on (the oral phase). The first object of this stage was, of course, the mother's breast. The mother thus logically became your first "love-object".
4-7 years of age. Finally, you entered the phallic phase. In this stage, the child becomes fascinated with urination, which is experienced as pleasurable, both in its expulsion and retention. The Oedipus Complex represents the masculine and feminine condition of “falling in love” with the opposite sex parent, as love-object, and of the connected jealousy.

7-12 years of age. Next followed a long "latency period" during which your sexual development was more or less suspended and you concentrated on repressing and your earlier desires and thus learned to follow the reality-principle.
You also moved beyond your childhood egoism and sacrificed something of your own ego to others, thus learning how to love others.

13 years of age onward (or from puberty on). Your development over the latency period allowed you to enter the final genital phase. At this point, you learned to desire members of the opposite sex and to fulfill your instinct to procreate and thus ensure the survival of the human species.



Desire (Jacques Lacan: the real Freud's studies continuer)

  • Need (mother’s breast) 0-6 months
  • Demand (need recognition and love, not just objects) 6-18 months
  • Desire (Lacan says: “Desire is always the desire of the Other. Which basically means that we are always asking the Other what he desires”)  after language

Components of Reality

  • Real (perfect unity, no language)
  • Imaginary (sense of self is a misperception of self in mirror)
  • Symbolic (the symbolic order is the place of the rules of language)

Tension between real and imaginary

Desire = fantasy
Desire = lack 
  • The objet “a”
  • Desire’s main task is to keep itself circulating. That objet “a” is perceived as a missing piece, shows that Other is not clearly distinguished from self. Value comes from being perceived as a missing part of the subject self. 
  • Desire exceeds need and uses demand as its vehicle

Is there still any space for desire in this “need society” ?


When man gets into the symbolic way of relationship, just then, man specifically gets human condition.
NEED means satisfaction of basic instincts
“Crossing” the symbolic way makes man get the DEMAND dimension.
At the end, DEMAND is only and always LOVE DEMAND
But not any object can satisfy LOVE DEMAND, then DESIRE rises just when man realizes this kind of reality, thus he starts feeling DESIRE of something satisfying and so on. Human condition is just this one: DESIRE of DESIRE of BEING DESIRED by THE OTHER... and so on... endless. 
That is the essence of the whole existence.


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