The human knowledge is divided in three parts:
1-Sensetion: is the passive capacity for the soul to be changed through the contact of the associated body with external objects.
2-Thought: is the more active process of engaging in the manipulation of forms without any contact with external objects at all. Thus, thinking is potentially independent of the objects of thought, from which it abstracts the form alone.
3-Desire: is a faculty which is in the soul which initiates movement with pratical reason (mind) . In fact desire don work alone but togheter mind, this movement is focuses on an object which is something of desiderable.
The most enduring legacy of Aristotle’s ethics is his theory of moral habits, by elucidating not only the requirements of virtue but also the methods by which we develop virtue, Aristotle’s ethics offers us a realistic hope of realizing his moral ideal. However, as we shall see, Aristotle presents only a brief sketch of the process of habituation, mostly through a partial analogy between virtue and the arts. Consequently, we are in danger of misinterpreting Aristotle’s moral habits as either mechanistic or emotionalistic.
Gruppo di Vinotti, Mantero, Vigolungo, Genta
GOOD!!! But, since now on, try to insert more personal linguistic expressions.