lunedì 30 novembre 2015

1 esercizio Freud

You score is 100%

Put the parts in order to form a sentence. When you think your answer is correct, click on "Check" to check your answer. If you get stuck, click on "Hint" to find out the next correct part.

0-2 years of age: all of your desires were oriented towards your lips and your mouth. 4-7 years of age: the child becomes fascinated with urination. Oedipus Complex is the main characteristic of the phallic phase. It represents the masculine and feminine condition of “falling in love” with the opposite sex parent, as love-object, and of the connected jealousy. 7-12 years of age: it is the latency period, during it your sexual development was more or less suspended. You learn how to love others. 13 years of age onward: it is the genital phase and the adolescent is growing up.

Grazia Borgia Noemi Macaluso Chiara Scotti

Exercise Freud

                                                       Es n 1

Your score is 96%.
Questions completed so far: 6/8.
Show questions one by one  
<= 8 / 8 =>

  1. What is Lacan's definition of NEED?
    1. :-)  satisfaction of basic instincts
    2.   ?    love Demand
    3.   ?    perfect unity
    4.   ?    desire of desire
  2. Imaginary, Real, Symbolic are:
    components of Reality
  1. Describe object "a"

  1. Object a is perceived as a missing piece, shows that Other is not clearly distinguished from self.

    Check Hint Show answer
  1. Where does value of desire come from?
    value comes from being perceived as a missing part of the subject self.
  1. What is the vehicle of desire?
    1.   ?    Need
    2. :-)  Demand
    3.   ?    love
    4.   ?    language
  2. When does a man specifically get human condition?
    1.   ?    When he starts using language
    2.   ?    While he is crossing the phallic phase
    3. :-)  When he gets into the symbolic way of relationship
    4.   ?    If he overcomes the Oedipus complex
  3. Is there any object which satisfies the Demand?
    1.   X   Concrete objects
    2.  :-)    Not any object
    3.   ?     Sometimes
    4.   ?    Object "a"
  4. Describe what is your comprehension of the short text HUMAN CONDITION JUST AS “HUMAN”?
    1.   ?    “Crossing” the symbolic way makes man get the DEMAND dimension.
      At the end, DEMAND is only and always LOVE DEMAND
    2.   ?    DESIRE rises just when man realizes this kind of reality, thus he starts feeling DESIRE of something satisfying and so on.
    3. :-)  Human condition is just this one: DESIRE of DESIRE of BEING DESIRED by THE OTHER
    4.   ?    DESIRE is the essence of the whole existence.

                                                          Es n 2

    0-2 years of age: all of your desires were oriented towards your lips and your mouth. 4-7 years of age: during it is the child becomes fascinated with urination. Oedipus Complex is the main characteristic of the phallic phase. It represents the masculine and feminine condition of “falling in love” with the opposite sex parent, as love-object, and of the connected jealousy. 7-12 years of age: it is the latency period, your sexual development was more or less suspended. You learn how to love others. 13 years of age onward: it is the genital phase and the adolescent is growing up.

     Granero Giulia 4 E    30/11/15

1-What is Lacan's definition of NEED?
- satisfaction of basic instincts

2-Imaginary, Real, Symbolic are:
- component of reality

3- Describe object "a"
- It is perceived as a missing piece, shows that Other is not clearly distinguished from self.

4-Where does value of desire come from?
-Value of desire comes from being perceived as a missing part of the subject self.

5-What is the vehicle of desire?
- Demand

6- When does a man specifically get human condition?
- When he gets into the symbolic way of relationship

7- Is there any object which satisfIES the Demand?
- Not any object

8- Describe what is your comprehension of the short text HUMAN CONDITION JUST AS “HUMAN”?
- Human condition is just this one: DESIRE of DESIRE of BEING DESIRED by THE OTHER

Balbi Sara
Dellisola Martina
Boragni Gilberto
Gueye Kadim
Serra Barbara 

exercise about Lacan

Your score is 99%.
Questions answered correctly first time: 7/8
You have completed the exercise.

1)What is Lacan's definition of NEED?

  1. :-) satisfaction of basic instincts

2)Imaginary, Real, Symbolic are:
components of reality

3)Describe object "a"
Objet “a” is perceived as a missing piece, shows that Other is not clearly distinguished from self.

4)Where does value of desire come from?
Value comes from being perceived as a missing part of the subject self.

5)What is the vehicle of desire?

    2. :-) Demand
6)When does a man specifically get human condition?

  3.When he gets into the symbolic way of relationship

7)Is there any object which satisfIES the Demand?

   2.Not any object

8)Describe what is your comprehension of the short text HUMAN CONDITION JUST AS “HUMAN”?

 3.Human condition is just this one: DESIRE of DESIRE of BEING DESIRED by THE OTHER

Vinotti ,Mantero ,Vigolungo


    0-2 years of age: all of your desires were oriented towards your lips and your mouth. 4-7 years of age: the child becomes fascinated with urination. Oedipus Complex is the main characteristic of the phallic phase. It represents the masculine and feminine condition of “falling in love” with the opposite sex parent, as love-object, and of the connected jealousy. 7-12 years of age: it is the latency period, during it your sexual development was more or less suspended. You learn how to love others. 13 years of age onward: it is the genital phase and the adolescent is growing up.




    • Where and when have I had difficulty doing my text analysis?
      At the beginning it was difficult, but now we are able to do most of the exercises the our teacher proposes us
    • What has it been the most critical point?
      Making the video
    • What reasons for my difficulties?
      We had some difficulties working in group
    • Where and when has it been easier to me proceeding into the analysis and elaboration?
      when we made the presentations of aristotle
    • If I could do again:
      1) I'd pay more attention to the collaborations with all our classmates
      2) I would write with more attenction about the argoument that the teacher gave us without underestimate it      
      3) I'd put more attencion from the start without being so anxious and not confident towards the progect
    • The works have been:

    What is Lacan's definition of NEED? satisfaction of basic instincts 

    Imaginary, Real, Symbolic are: Components of reality 

    Describe object "a" Objet “a” is perceived as a missing piece, shows that Other is not clearly distinguished from self.

    Where does value of desire come from? Value comes from being perceived as a missing part of the subject self. 

    What is the vehicle of desire?  Demand

     When does a man specifically get human condition?
    When he gets into the symbolic way of relationship

    Is there any object which satisfIES the Demand? Not any object 

    Describe what is your comprehension of the short text HUMAN CONDITION JUST AS “HUMAN”?       Human condition is just this one: DESIRE of DESIRE of BEING DESIRED by THE OTHER DESIRE is the essence of the whole existence.

     love Demand perfect unity desire of desire 
    love language
     When he starts using language.   While he is crossing the phallic phase 
    If he overcomes the Oedipus complex 
    Concrete obects 
    Sometimes Object "a"
    “Crossing” the symbolic way makes man get the DEMAND dimension. At the end, DEMAND is only and always LOVE DEMAND DESIRE rises just when man realizes this kind of reality, thus he starts feeling DESIRE of something satisfying and so on. 


    Your score is 100%.

    1.     What is Lacan's definition of NEED?
             A  satisfaction of basic instincts

    2.       Imaginary, Real, Symbolic are: 
               Components of Reality

    3.       Describe object "a" 
               Objet “a” is perceived as a missing piece, shows that Other is not clearly distinguished from   self.

    4.         Where does value of desire come from? 
                 Value comes from being perceived as a missing part of the subject self.

    5.          What is the vehicle of desire?
                 B Demand 

    6.          When does a man specifically get human condition?
                 C  When he gets into the symbolic way of relationship

    7.           Is there any object which satisfIES the Demand?
                  B   Not any object

    8.            Describe what is your comprehension of the short text HUMAN CONDITION JUST AS “HUMAN”?
                   C  Human condition is just this one: DESIRE of DESIRE of BEING DESIRED by THE OTHER

    Borgia Grazia Macaluso Noemi Scotti Chiara 

    Self evaluation questions

    • Where and when have I had difficulty doing my text analysis? I have had difficulty in understandING some passages and in writing them in English.
    • What has it been the most critical point? The most critical point has been Descartes and concept of desire.
    • What reasons for my difficulties? I had difficulty, because that part was written in a philosophical language.
    • Where and when has it been easier to me proceeding into the analysis and elaboration? The elaboration has been easier when we acted the parts about Descartes.
    • If I could do again:
      1) I'd pay more attention to..
      2) I wouldn't write...
      3) I would write the same things.    4) Other personal opinions, if you want.
    • The works have been:
    • Chiara Marinelli 4 E 


    Mixed-up sentence exercise

    0-2 years of age: all of your desires were oriented towards your lips and your mouth. 4-7 years of age: the child becomes fascinated with urination. Oedipus Complex is the main characteristic of the phallic phase. It represents the masculine and feminine condition of “falling in love” with the opposite sex parent, as love-object, and of the connected jealousy. 7-12 years of age: it is the latency period, during it your sexual development was more or less suspended. You learn how to love others. 13 years of age onward: it is the genital phase and the adolescent is growing up.


    domenica 29 novembre 2015

    • Where and when have I had difficulty doing my text analysis?
    In some texts, I have had problems in the comprehension of the specific terminology.
      What has it been the most critical point?
    During the course of CLIL, I had difficulty to speak the English language, and for this, the first lessons I had difficulty to understand the explanation of Aristotle and of Descartes.
    • What reasons for my difficulties?
      The reason of my difficulties is the fear to err.
    • Where and when has it been easier to me proceeding into the analysis and elaboration?
      For me the work was easy, when I worked in group.
    • If I could do again: I appreciated the way in which we discussed this point
      1) I'd pay more attention to... I would have more attetion to details
      2) I wouldn't write... I would't write some unnecessary information.
      3) I would write... I would write, on the research of Aristotle, some specific particulars.
      4) Other personal opinions, if you want. This approach has been valuable and I've been allowed to get a step forward.   
    • The works have been:
    • EASY
                                                                                                                                  Gaggero Sara 4E 29/11/15


    Dear students,
    after you have finished your exercises, tasks, definitely,the whole CLIL Course and so on, I'd like you complete the following Questionnaire:

    • Where and when have I had difficulty doing my text analysis?
    • What has it been the most critical point?
    • What reasons for my difficulties?
    • Where and when has it been easier to me proceeding into the analysis and elaboration?
    • If I could do again:
      1) I'd pay more attention to...
      2) I wouldn't write...
      3) I would write...      4) Other personal opinions, if you want.
    • The works have been:
    • EASY


    I'm going to publish my HOLISTIC and ANALYTIC RUBRICS of reference for ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION of your tasks and exercises



    Unsatisfactory 1
    The student shows no understanding of the text. No answering the questions. Strongly supported.

    Almost satisfactory 2
    The student shows low understanding of the text. Low answering the questions. Mistakes in using vocabulary. Supported.

    Satisfactory 3
    The student shows essential understanding, reasonable ability in answering the questions. Sometimes specific vocabulary.
    Partially supported.

    Good 4
    The student shows an almost complete understanding of the text, good ability in answering the questions. Specific vocabulary. Scaffolding partially removed.

    Excellent 5
    The student shows a complete understanding of the text, intelligent and creative answering the questions. Specific and correct vocabulary.
    Independent work.

    TOTAL POINTS: _______

    Analytic Rubric








    Total assimilation of the text basic inputs.

    Almost total assimilation of the text basic inputs.

    Partial assimila tion of the text basic inputs.

    Assimilation of only a few text basic inputs.

    No assimilation
    of the
    text basic inputs.
    Strongly supported


    Excellent and creative elaboration of the text.
    Good and rather personal elaboration of the text.
    Correct and almost satisfactory elaboration of the text.
    Partially supported.

    A few deficiencies in the comprehension of the text.
    Low personal elaboration.
    Low comprehension of the basic concepts. No personal elaboration.
    Strongly supported.
    L A N G U A G E   factor

    Excellent competence in grammar and vocabulary

    Good competence in grammar and vocabulary

    Almost satisfactory competence in grammar and vocabulary.

    A few
    in grammar and insecurity in using vocabulary.

    Sistematic mistakes in
    and in using vocabulary.
    Strongly supported

    Excellent ability to use knowledge.
    Skills and personal competence in communication. Independentwork.

    Good ability to use knowledge and to communicate. Good skills. Scaffolding
    partially removed.

    ability to use
    and to
    Satisfactory          Unsatisfactory
    ability to use        ability to use
    knowledge            knowledge
    and to                     and to
    communicate.     communicate.
    Supported.            Strongly

    sabato 28 novembre 2015

    Exercises Freud and Lacan


    Mixed-up sentence exercise

    Put the parts in order to form a sentence. When you think your answer is correct, click on "Check" to check your answer. If you get stuck, click on "Hint" to find out the next correct part.
    0-2 years of age: all of your desires were oriented towards your lips and your mouth. 4-7 years of age: the child becomes fascinated with urinationOedipus Complex is the main characteristic of the phallic phase. It represents the masculine and feminine condition of “falling in love” with the opposite sex parent, as love-object, and of the connected jealousy.  7-12 years of age: it is the latency period, during it your sexual development was more or less suspended. You learn how to love others. 13 years of age onward: it is the genital phase and the adolescent is growing up.

    Desire (Jacques Lacan: the real Freud's studies continuer)

    Desire (Jacques Lacan: the real Freud's studies continuer)
    Desire (Jacques Lacan: the real Freud's studies continuer)
    Desire (Jacques Lacan: the real Freud's studies continuer)


    1. What is Lacan's definition of NEED?
      1.   satisfaction of basic instincts
      2.   love Demand
      3.   perfect unity
      4.   desire of desire
    2. Imaginary, Real, Symbolic are:
      components of reality
    3. Describe object "a": It is perceived as a missing piece, shows that Other is not clearly distinguished from self. 

    4. Where does value of desire come from? Value of desire comes from being perceived as a missing part of the subject self. 
    5. What is the vehicle of desire?
      1.   Need
      2.   Demand
      3.   love
      4.   language
    6. When does a man specifically get human condition?
      1.   When he starts using language
      2.   While he is crossing the phallic phase
      3.   When he gets into the symbolic way of relationship
      4.   If he overcomes the Oedipus complex
    7. Is there any object which satisfies the Demand?
      1.   Concrete objects
      2.   Not any object
      3.   Sometimes
      4.   Object "a"
    8. Describe what is your comprehension of the short text HUMAN CONDITION JUST AS “HUMAN”?
      1.   “Crossing” the symbolic way makes man get the DEMAND dimension.
        At the end, DEMAND is only and always LOVE DEMAND
      2.   DESIRE rises just when man realizes this kind of reality, thus he starts feeling DESIRE of something satisfying and so on.
      3.   Human condition is just this one: DESIRE of DESIRE of BEING DESIRED by THE OTHER
      4.   DESIRE is the essence of the whole existence.
    Chiara Marinelli 4 E